Color Palette from Image

Create a color palette by picking colors from an image

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use the extract palette from image tool?

This easy to use tool instantly will turn any photo into a color palette. Simply click “Select Image” to pick an image from your device and have its color palette extracted. You can also change the number of colors extracted from the image ranging between 2 or 10 colors. After colors are displayed you can click any color to copy its hex color value.

After you found a palette you like you can click open in editor to modify the palette or save it later to your ColorKit account.

How does this tool work?

This color palette from image tool uses color thief to extract dominate colors from any image. Extracting colors from images is a great way to get inspiration for your designs. You can find interesting images to use from your phone’s camera roll or on a site like Unsplash. Best of all your image is never uploaded to our server so you can ensure complete privacy.

Additionally you can click create collage with your palette on top of your image to be exported as a PNG.

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