Hex Color Clock

What is the Hex Color Clock?

Watch as this 24 hour hexadecimal color clock goes through color ranges #000000 to #235959. This is done by using your device’s time and converting it to a hex color code. For example when the clock strikes 11:24:30 the hexadecimal color clock will show the hex color #112430.

Example hex color clock values

The page is designed to be full screen so you can enjoy it on a second monitor through the day. You can also toggle the display of the hex value on the page. We also offer a button to toggle the display of the time if you’d prefer that while viewing the page. Just hover the top right of the hex color clock to change the page’s options.

If you want more information about the hex color shown simply click the color to be taken to the ColorKit page about the color. Perfect for copying the hex color code or seeing the name of the color.

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